
1 min readApr 27, 2021


Had series of intrusive negative thoughts rushed in and it was overwhelming for me to withstand. I stopped designing on my Adobe Photoshop, finally succumb to the thought and believed that I was not good enough. Believed that my 1 year 2 months of effort to self-taught and train in using digital designing platforms won’t make me a good designer, what more a creative one. It was self-sabotaging, I was aware of it but the thoughts were distinct and loud I couldn’t even hear my support system. I immediately shut down.

I am yet, another human being that would occasionally succumb to my own demon.

It took me a long night sleep; an hour of warm bath; a hazelnut latte; and a long assurance text from my best friend, for me to be okay again. I picked up myself again and pushed the thoughts away to make room for a new idea to come in. Let’s see if my own demon can stop me when I’m staring them down in their face.

Hence, I am writing this down to remind me, and anyone who reads this; next time you’re having self doubt and thought you were not good enough or not competent, fuck it. Just fuck it and push it through.

If you made mistake, re-do it. If you failed, try again. If you fall, then get up. No one ever made it on their first try, so this is your process and your journey for you to endure. So, fuck it and push it through.




Written by Ali


Someone said I was easy to read, like an open book. Maybe it’s time to give them something else to read. Like a blog, maybe.

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